Friday, August 19, 2005

The Kiss

The 6 pm walk often takes us past the day care centre when the place is busy with parents picking up their children. They often react to Jonty. There are cries of "Puppy, puppy!" even though Jonty is a greybeard. Some of the children are anxious about him although he pays them no attention. We passed one such little girl, about three or four years old, the other night. Jonty was right next to her as she waited for her mother to organise her into the car. She did some leg clinging, but was obviously interested in Jonty. He is pretty good with littlies, so I encouraged her to touch him. She was very brave, and touched him on his back. He noticed her, and came closer to sniff her a bit. Ooooh, more leg clinging, but she was emboldened to pat him on the head, and feel his very silky ears. Just as we were to go our separate ways, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. We all felt very blessed.

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