Sunday, December 07, 2008

This week targetting....

Maggie Alderson is a terrific writer and I turn to her Saturday Good Weekend column as soon as I can. A few weeks ago she wrote about the police signs you see on our roads - This Week Targetting...SPEEDING, or SEAT BELTS, or DRINK DRIVING. She wrote about personal grooming. This week targetting... FLOSSING, or CRACKED HEELS.

This has become a mantra in this house now. This week I am targetting ....USING UP ALL THOSE LITTLE BOTTLES OF MOISTURISER YOU GET WHEN YOU FLY BUSINESS CLASS. Business class is wonderful (there is no going back now I have enough points to upgrade), but what to do with those little goodie bags? I have bottles of moisturiser and tiny tubes of toothpaste and sockies galore, saved for years. This week I have chucked all the socks, put the tubes of toothpaste in the cupboard to use them, and am working my way through the little bottles of moisturiser.

What am I targetting next week?

As my favourite saying from the I Ching goes, 'it furthers one to have somewhere to go.' Perhaps the I Ching wasn't really thinking about airline moisturiser, but hey, it is working for me.

1 comment:

  1. I love those little sample sized things. I always try to collect some when DJ's is trying to promote a new product!! I'm targeting my yarn stash... boring but necessary.
