Sunday, August 07, 2005

My next project

I said I was going to make a doll's dress, and here I go. But didn't I say a while ago that my daughter STILL has my sewing machine? Yes, she still has it. So I have decided to go the whole hog and create this dress entirely by hand. All the seams, everything. This is the start of it. The sleeves have gone in, the underarms need to be sewn up.

Truly, the seam sewing (double running stitch) doesn't take all that long to do. Then I will embellish it with some of the tatting I have. All those little strips with nowhere to go, each one will find its place. Such a lot of frou frou.

And when I am not tatting or sewing or patting the Pug (or even working!!) I have been wrestling with the Sudoku puzzles. As you can see, I completed one! This one was a moderate, and apart from a kid's one, this is the first I have ever done. Just what I need - another way to waste time concentrating on something totally useless.

1 comment:

  1. If doing Soduku puzzles are totally useless, then at least (and I say at least) half an hour of my life every night since someone explained to me how they work, has been wasted!!
